How It Works

The  Ontario Collaborative Innovation Platform (OCIP) connects Ontario businesses/organizations with expert researchers at the province’s postsecondary institutions, accelerating innovation and enabling faster, more confident market entry for businesses/organizations.

Discover more about each step by clicking on the boxes in our process map below.




Register on OCIP


Submit an Innovation Challenge


Get matched with a research expert


Submit fees*


Get matched with funding programs


Explore potential collaboration on the full project with HEI


From start to finish, OCIP provides support for both business/organization and HEI

Higher Education Institution (HEI)


Submit HEI registration form


Work with your affiliated institution to complete expert profile


Get matched with an Innovation Challenge


Provide a Scope of Work (SoW) for Innovation Challenge


Your affiliated institution receives the scoping fee*


Explore potential collaboration on the full project with business


Start the project


Complete the project


Protect your intellectual property (IP), If applicable


Apply for SR&ED tax credits, If applicable


*Scoping fee of $2500 (plus applicable HST + $250 admin fees)


OCIP and eCampusOntario

OCIP is a product of eCampusOntario, a provincially-funded non-profit organization that supports Ontario’s highereducationinstitutions. We support digital transformation and encourage innovation, collaboration and education partnerships to connect Ontario’s campuses to the future of learning and innovation.  
eCampusOntario is a not-for-profit centre of excellence and global leader in the evolution of teaching and learning through technology.

OCIP is made possible with funding from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities.

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