Welcome to OCIP for Businesses

The Ontario Collaborative Innovation Platform (OCIP) connects Ontario companies with expert researchers at Ontario’s postsecondary institutions to help businesses innovate and get to market more quickly and confidently. 

Generating Value for Businesses

eCampusOntario understands the importance of an educated workforce, innovation, time to market and stable funding partnerships to business and organization success. OCIP helps businesses and organizations bring new innovations and products to market by linking to academic researchers with relevant expertise. Businesses and organizations also receive access to direct funding opportunities and tax credits. 

Any business and organization operating in Ontario with a current business number may apply to participate in OCIP.  Other organizations such as municipalities, non-profits or other entities that are not strictly businesses may also be eligible.  

The OCIP platform approach:  

  • Reduces the risk of innovation for businesses and organizations. 
  • Provides businesses and organizations with a low-cost feasibility and scope assessment of their proposed development. 
  • Opens access to non-repayable grants. 
  • Speeds time to market. 
  • Protects intellectual property. 
  • Helps open access to the research and development expertise in Ontario’s colleges, universities and Indigenous Institutes. 

OCIP and SMEs: Leveling the R&D playing field

Small and medium-sized enterprises, or SMEs, (those with fewer than 500 employees) account for the vast majority of Ontario’s businesses and organizations. Yet, a 2023 Statistics Canada study found that only 2% of Canadian businesses invest in R&D. Canadian businesses face challenges with accessing research expertise, understanding the resources needed and having the financial ability to investment in innovation. 

OCIP helps level the playing field, providing SMEs economic opportunities through a platform that links them to the expertise, resources and funding they need to evolve and grow. 

How OCIP Works




Register on OCIP


Submit an Innovation Challenge


Get matched with a research expert


Submit fees*


Get matched with funding programs


Explore potential collaboration on the full project with HEI


From start to finish, OCIP provides support for both business/organization and HEI

Higher Education Institution (HEI)


Submit HEI registration form


Work with your affiliated institution to complete expert profile


Get matched with an Innovation Challenge


Provide a Scope of Work (SoW) for Innovation Challenge


Your affiliated institution receives the scoping fee*


Explore potential collaboration on the full project with business


Start the project


Complete the project


Protect your intellectual property (IP), If applicable


Apply for SR&ED tax credits, If applicable


*Scoping fee of $2500 (plus applicable HST + $250 admin fees)


Example: H.G. Electric’s OCIP Journey:  

H.G Electric is an Ontario business specializing in the manufacture of modular electric vehicle chassis, drivetrains and components. They are looking to retool their lithium battery production line to use a superior chemical technology. H.G Electric has in-house capacity to manufacture at scale, but requires expertise in battery chemistry, electrical engineering and environmental testing. They are also looking for funding to help underwrite the research investment needed. 

  1. H.G Electric registers on the OCIP platform and creates a business profile. 
  2. H.G submits an Innovation Challenge – think of it as a project proposal – that outlines their needs. 
  3. OCIP matches the Innovation Challenge to researchers and facility leads at an Ontario university with expertise in battery chemistry and electrical engineering. 
  4. The university’s researchers in battery chemistry and electrical engineering assess the Innovation Challenge submitted and provide their perspective on the feasibility and the work required, including budget, time and resources. The cost of this full scope and assessment to H.G Electric is $2500 (plus HST and admin fees).
  5. Based on the scope outcomes, the H.G. Electric and the research team apply to the Electric Vehicle Research Grant, a funding program that can provide financial support for the proposed work. 
  6. With a feasible plan and funding in place, the Innovation Challenge becomes a project, and research and development (R&D) can begin. 
  7. When the project is complete, H.G Electric has the new manufacturing process that they require to produce higher performance batteries at a lower cost, significantly increasing their global competitiveness. 

*All organizational or institutional names are fictitious. No identification with actual businesses or academic institutions is intended or should be inferred. 


OCIP and eCampusOntario

OCIP is a product of eCampusOntario, a provincially-funded non-profit organization that supports Ontario’s highereducationinstitutions. We support digital transformation and encourage innovation, collaboration and education partnerships to connect Ontario’s campuses to the future of learning and innovation.  
eCampusOntario is a not-for-profit centre of excellence and global leader in the evolution of teaching and learning through technology.

OCIP is made possible with funding from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities.

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